Dojo Kun

The Dojo Kun literally means ‘training hall rules.’ But it’s more than that. The Kun embodies the real essence of karate: the guiding principles and spirit behind our physical training. And living this code is arguably our greatest challenge.

The Kun is usually posted at the front of the dojo (known as Shomen) and is recited by everyone at the end of a training session following Mokuso (meditation).

From Seiza (upright kneeling position) the most senior grade in the class will call out each rule and the whole class repeats it before moving on to the next phrase.

Junior grade classes usually just recite the Dojo Kun in English and the senior grade classes in Japanese. But it’s a good idea to try and commit both to memory.

Hitotsu! Jinkaku kansei ni tsutomuru koto

Seek perfection of character

Hitotsu! Makoto no michi o mamoru koto

Be faithful and sincere

Hitotsu! Doryoku no seishin o yashinau koto


Hitotsu! Reigi o omonzuru koto

Respect others

Hitotsu! Kekki no yu o imashimuru koto

Refrain from violent behaviour
