Sasori SKC - Restart evening training: 7pm, Thursday 20th May 2021

Dear Members,

We are extremely pleased to advise that we will re-commence our first evening class at Colombo Center on Thursday, 20th May.

Training starts at the usual 7:00pm.

It’s time to dust off the cobwebs! So remember that when we restart training, we will need to start slowly to return to the level we were pre-pandemic. My suggestion to you all is to stretch and practice the 5 heian katas, tekki shodan, bassai dai, enpi, ji on and kanku dai. 

I hope you have not forgotten, but if you need a refresh of memory of how to do the katas, click here.

Please let me know if you have any questions, otherwise, we look forward to seeing you all again next Thursday!


Best regards,

A G Sanna

6th Dan